Be Your Own #Ladyboss! Winners and Honorable Mentions

#LadyBoss Winner

It’s obvious that there’s a lack of authentic photos and videos when it comes to women at work. So during our #LadyBoss contest this March, over 160 dedicated women made their mark and started to change that. We asked working women around the globe to submit candid shots and work selfies. Here’s just a few snippets of what we saw, from serious to fun-loving shots.


A Few Honorable Mentions



#LadyBoss Runner Up
Photo by Mandi Trickett.



#LadyBoss Runner Up
Do we see chocolate?! Photo by chocolatier Luisa Abram Banks da Rocha.



#LadyBoss Runner Up
Photo by Anna Sort.



#LadyBoss Runner Up
Photo by Aida Murad, an artist, food critic, motivational speaker and social entrepreneur.



#LadyBoss Runner Up
We’re hoping that the friendly folks at animal control have seen their fair share of ceiling llamas. Photo by Maria Lowry.



#LadyBoss Runner Up
Even Steve Harvey showed up. Photo by Karen Smoots, inventor of Thegreenglovedryer.



#LadyBoss Runner Up
We want to Think and Grow Rich, too! Photo by Jes Perez.



#LadyBoss Runner Up
A few finger taps can keep everything organized. Photo by Holly Ho.



#LadyBoss Runner Up
Shout out to all the #womenwhocode. Photo by Jessica Hyde.


And We Have a Winner!


Awesome work, Martyna! We love what you do and celebrate your work as a dedicated #LadyBoss.



#LadyBoss Winner
Be sure to support women-made films and cinematographers like Martyna Knitter.


Though the contest might be over, it’s never too late to send in your own #LadyBoss photos and be the change. Companies are always on the hunt for candid shots that represent everyday women at work, so you never know where your story will go. And if you’re a company looking to move away from glossy stock photography, be sure to sign up for a demo and discover what really speaks to your audience.

Scopio is the industry’s premier search and licensing platform for images and videos on social media. We help companies find and use the photos and videos that matter to their audience, from capturing content to evaluating the analytics on campaigns. Wondering how you can leverage UGC to help you tout your brand?  Request a demo with the button below or email [email protected]. Featured photo from Jody Mitchell.

The post Be Your Own #Ladyboss! Winners and Honorable Mentions appeared first on Scopio.

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