Live Chat with CEO of Scopio Christina Hawatmeh Highlights

Christina Hawatmeh Reaches Out to Photographers to Answer Questions and Update them on the Newest Features at Scopio!

scopio live


Friday, July 31, 2020 at 10 AM Christina Hawatmeh went live on Instagram to reach out to Scopio photographers and let them know about the newest features being built just for them: The Photographer Portal! 

Here are the highlights: 

Photographer Portal Announced!!

  • "Our first version of the photographer portal is almost ready! You log in, you see where you upload your images and everything you uploaded in the past, what has been published on Scopios website! From there you can log onto and see your photos featured!" 
  • "On the portal you will get to see all of your images and your payouts! Which everyone is super excited about because of the recent events with Corona" 

She added with excitement "Our team is even more excited than you" 

The photographer portal is a game changer here at Scopio and we want every photographer to know about how it is going to work and why it is important to start submitting images ASAP. 


Number of Photographers announced! 

"We have about 13,000 photographers on the platform! And more the 17,000 businesses have viewed your photos ...and we will give you more statistics as soon as we get that set up" 


Saved Boards Feature Announced!

This is a huge feature for both photographers and businesses of Scopio as it allows Scopio businesses to grow their ideas and creativity using photographers diverse images! Which means that more photographer images are being used and processed in a variety of amazing ways. 

This is especially useful as it allows artificial intelligence to read and tag diverse images more accurately. 

Saved Boards

Customer Reviews!

Christina read out some of the different things businesses have been saying about Scopio:

"I keep returning to Scopio for something un-stock like"

"Meaningful photos with a unique flow" 

"Finally diverse images"

"Stylistically Delicious!" She added "That's all you guys! Your images are stylistically delicious they brighten our day and we can't wait to get more people to see them!" 


Finally, she answered photographer FAQ's! To get a more detailed idea of the interview - go check out it out here: SCOPIO LIVE


*Don't forget that we will be live every Friday at 10 AM EST*


Author: Dana Balsley

Community Manager at Scopio

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