Scopio helps you use social media photos to reach your goals. We’re a revolutionary visual marketing platform with big benefits. Our algorithm cuts through junk on social media to bring you social media photos and videos on a user-friendly dashboard.
But our platform is more than just a convenient way to get new content for visual marketing. It helps you develop your client base, your goals — and even your business. It pays off to use social media photos, so here are nine things that happen when you do:
1. You See the Power of Everyday People
Sometimes, the people around you have exactly what your company needs, even though you’d never suspect it. In this case, they have amazing, first-person photos and videos that you can use on in your campaigns or on your social pages. Whether you’re searching out breaking news before big media outlets cover them or finding great snapshots of a city or town, everyday people have you covered. They’re already posting all of that content in droves. Scopio takes away the hard work of sifting through spam, advertisements and junk on social platforms to help you buy photos online, so you can use social media photos to your advantage.
2. You Save Time
When you use social media photos, you’ll get a bit more time out of it. Get that extra coffee, or spend another 10 minutes relaxing. Since Scopio stores all of the photos and videos you need from social media, no great posts are going to get lost in endless social media feeds. All you need to do is log on to your Scopio dashboard to see the great images and videos our intuitive software picked out for you.
3. You Learn About Your Audience
If you need a great way to learn about your supporters or see what they’re up to, just see what they’re buzzing about on social media.
Our UGC platform* helps you do just that. In the digital age, Twitter and Instagram serve some of the same purpose as old-fashioned journals. And with Scopio’s software, it’s easy to keep up with what they’re talking about. Just hover over each image or video on your dashboard to see captions, and even hashtags related to your interests. Feel free to add these hashtags and keywords to expand your campaigns. You could catch wind of a major trend before you know it, and get major kudos when you do.
*UGC stands for user-generated content, or content posted online by real people.
4. You Create Lasting Relationships and Networks
It’s no secret that people like being recognized for their work. Our clients reach out directly to chat with photographers and videographers on social media, and these folks are understandably excited to see their work featured. They’re also more likely to start using your hashtags regularly. They’ll use their social influence and will tell friends and followers to do so as well, creating even more content to choose from. All this is is simply because you value them.
5. You Build a Reputation of Fairness
Despite the great things the internet has done, it has also made it easier to break copyright laws. Our clients know it’s wrong to bypass Instagram copyright or Twitter copyright. Scopio’s legal agreement ensures that each photo or video you request is 100 percent original.

For a reasonable price, you can request thousands of unforgettable photos and videos from social media users. If you’re a for-profit company, part of that subscription goes to photographers or videographers when you use their work. They’re compensated fairly, and you have new tools to work with. And though photographers contributing to nonprofit companies don’t receive financial compensation, but they feel good knowing that they’re creating buzz for a cause.
6. You Get Photos and Videos That Work
When you’re using stock photos, forget about ROI. It seems like people aren’t swayed by stock. It’s too stoic and calculated (and sometimes even downright cheesy), and perfection isn’t nearly as important as reality.
Scopio gives you alternatives to stock photos and we leave room for authenticity. Every photo or video that comes through our platform was created by an ordinary social media user, and not photographer on assignment.
People see that you’re working with something real and respond to your company’s mission. That’s valuable.
7. You Become Part of a Go-Getter Community
Smart companies know that the future of visual marketing lies in user-generated content. It’s more than just a trend — it’s a way to connect to your audience and expand it.
We know that Instagram and Twitter are goldmines of brilliant photos and videos. Using Scopio, you’ll become part of a larger group of savvy and modern visual marketers that license social media photos.
As a result, your marketing campaigns appear sleek and modern next to a competitor’s. And who doesn’t want that?
8. You Save Some Cash
Use social media photos to both increase engagement and keep your wallet stocked.
Any marketer will tell you that stock photos are surprisingly expensive. And between a photographer, their model, props and equipment and studio lighting, licensing stock images can add up to hundreds (if not thousands of dollars) for every photo you buy. That can be a pretty scary experience for an accounting department.
But luckily, Scopio gives you great images at a fraction of that price. A “too-perfect” photo of a skydiver might cost you a couple hundred dollars on a prominent stock photo website, a similar photo or video from someone’s Instagram or Twitter feed will run you much less.
And when you use social media photos, it’s a win-win situation for your company and the photographer. They know you value their work, and you get something your audience can relate to.
9. Your Engagement Will Skyrocket
When you license a photo or video from your Scopio dashboard and use it on your campaigns, user engagement goes up.
That’s because audiences respond better to people they can relate to, and photos and videos from social media are no exception. They show real experiences instead of staged ones.
Have questions? Want to request a demo? Just send a quick email to [email protected]. We’re always happy to help. Featured photo by boardside/Instagram.
The post Use Social Media Photos to Maximize Your Marketing appeared first on Scopio.
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