If 2020 taught us anything - it is that representation is ever important and a crucial part to creating effective and sustainable changes. Which is why we evaluated the content gaps in our own image library and asked the question, "what areas are under-represented and how can we re-define the narrative?"
The answer - women in technology and business
We saw a major gap and reached out to businesses, and women working in tech to see if they noticed the gap as well?
The response was overwhelming - women in tech and business have a history of being under or mis-represented, and the answer was obvious - this Women's History Month, we needed to focus on changing the future and re-writing history.
The evolution of this idea has brought about a campaign which sets out to "Elevate Women in Tech and Business" - Scopio will give women (worldwide) who work in tech and business a platform to raise their voice and share their story.
As we crowdsource images and stories from these powerful change-makers around the globe we will work to give access to the women in these industries a collection of authentic and diverse images showcasing real women in real roles, telling their story.
As a part of this campaign we have already teamed up with powerful voices in the industry who are exemplary of these roles.
Some of the leaders we've teamed with to make this happen are:
Tanya Gupta @guptanya.jpg
Tanya is a multimedia digital artist who has worked as an engineer and patent owner for NASA and currently works as an augmented reality developer at IBM.
Camille Eddy @iamcamilleeddy
Camille Eddy is a product engineer that works specifically with changing cultural biases in artificial intelligence. She is also a visibility strategist for Women in Engineering and Science and has worked on projects with NASA, NVIDIA, and University Innovation Fellows.
All women who participate and whose images are selected in this project will also receive a one-year subscription to Scopio and will play a vital role in using these authentic images to help change the images we see!
Watch the Women Working in Tech and Business collection grow through the month of March!