Submit a photo of women in tech & receive a 1 year account to Scopio


Photo by Gigi Pinkney

Deadline: April 1, 2021

Calling all women who are underrepresented in the tech and business industry to be a part of the solution by creating and getting access to authentic images that are paving the path for more diversity in the workplace. 

Scopio is giving away a 1 year account to all participants whose images are accepted.  Participate in building a crowdsource pool of images that we can all use that will solve the problem of lack of representation in technology.

Get involved and let your voice be heard globally!

How To Enter to Receive a 1 Year Account:

1. Go to and submit 1 or more AMAZING photos of yourself or another women that actually works in tech or business (not posed models). 

2. In the storyline: Write your job title and your short bio to put in your profile.




Our Co-Hosts

Camille Eddy @iamcamilleeddy

Camille Eddy is a product engineer that works specifically with changing cultural biases in artificial intelligence. She is also a visibility strategist for Women in Engineering and Science and has worked on projects with NASA, NVIDIA, and University Innovation Fellows. 

Tanya Gupta @guptanya.jpg

Tanya is a multimedia digital artist who has worked as an engineer and patent owner for NASA and currently works as an augmented reality developer at IBM. 

Added Bonus! Feel free to post your photo on Instagram and tag them and @scopioimages for a re-post and feature on our Social Media.