30 Best Pieces of Feedback You Can Hear as a Designer

As a designer, feedback can be a crucial part of your work. It can help you improve your designs and ensure that your clients are satisfied with the end result. However, not all feedback is created equal. Some feedback can be constructive and helpful, while others can be confusing and unhelpful. In this article, we have compiled a list of the 30 best pieces of feedback you can hear as a designer.


Here are the 30 best pieces of feedback you can hear as a designer, ranked from most outrageous to most polite:

  1. "Make it pop!" - Outrageous
  2. "Can you just make it look like Apple's website?" - Outrageous
  3. "I don't like it, but I don't know why." - Outrageous
  4. "This looks like it was designed by a child." - Outrageous
  5. "Can you make it more [insert vague descriptor here]?" - Outrageous
  6. "That's not what I had in mind, but I don't know what I want." - Frustrating
  7. "I don't think my wife/husband/cat will like it." - Frustrating
  8. "I'll know it when I see it." - Frustrating
  9. "Can't you just do it in PowerPoint?" - Frustrating
  10. "It needs more cowbell." - Funny
  11. "I'm not a designer, but..." - Funny
  12. "Can we try a different font? Comic Sans, maybe?" - Funny
  13. "This looks like something my kid could do." - Insulting
  14. "Can you do it for exposure?" - Insulting
  15. "I could do this myself, but I just don't have the time." - Insulting
  16. "This is too artsy-fartsy." - Negative
  17. "It's just missing that special something." - Negative
  18. "I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but it's just not right." - Negative
  19. "It's not exactly what I had in mind, but it's close." - Neutral
  20. "Can we tweak this a bit?" - Neutral
  21. "It's almost perfect, but can we make some minor adjustments?" - Neutral
  22. "This is great, but can we explore some other options?" - Neutral
  23. "I like it, but can we try a few different colors?" - Positive
  24. "I'm impressed, but let's see if we can make it even better." - Positive
  25. "This is really good work." - Positive
  26. "I love it!" - Very positive
  27. "This is exactly what I was looking for." - Very positive
  28. "You're a genius!" - Very positive
  29. "This is the best design I've ever seen." - Over-the-top positive
  30. "Thank you for your hard work and creativity." - Polite

As a designer, feedback is an essential part of your work. But not all feedback is created equal. Some feedback can be outrageous and frustrating, while others can be funny or even insulting. However, the best feedback is always polite and constructive, helping you improve your work and meet your client's needs.

In conclusion, it's important to be aware of the different types of feedback you may receive as a designer and to learn how to handle them effectively. Whether the feedback is outrageous, neutral, or polite, it's up to you to turn it into an opportunity to improve your work and exceed your client's expectations.

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