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The Power of Wearing Black: More Than Just a Fashion Statement

In a recent Twitter thread, designers and creatives discussed their affinity for wearing black. While some simply find it a stylish choice, others suggest that it can have practical benefits, such as making it easier to spot pet hair on clothing. But wearing black might also have an impact on how we approach decision-making. By streamlining the process of getting dressed, we free up mental space for more important decisions throughout the day. Plus, it's basically a superhero outfit that saves you from the mundane task of selecting an outfit every morning. Take, for example, Steve Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple. Jobs was known for his black turtlenecks, jeans, and New Balance sneakers. In a 2019 interview, his biographer,...

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10 Creative Ways Gen Z Can Make Money with Stock Photos

Are you a creative Gen Z who is looking for ways to make money? One easy and accessible way to start a side hustle is by using stock photos. Stock photos are a great resource for businesses, bloggers, and social media influencers who need high-quality images for their content. Here are 10 creative ways you can make money with stock photos: Sell your photos on stock photo websites like Shutterstock, iStock, and Adobe Stock. Create custom stock photo bundles and sell them on Etsy or your own website. Offer photography services for small businesses and entrepreneurs in your local community. Sell prints of your stock photos on platforms like Society6 or Redbubble. Create stock photo calendars and sell them on...

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Getting Allies: How Gen Z Artists Can Make Projects Happen within Organizations

In today's world, art and creativity are more important than ever before, especially for Gen Z. As a Gen Z artist, you have unique perspectives and ideas that can inspire and enrich our lives in countless ways. However, getting a project within an organization can be challenging, and you need allies within the organization who can support your vision and help you navigate the system. In this response, we will explore some steps that you can take as a Gen Z artist to get allies and make your project a reality. If you are an artist trying to get a project within an organization, the following steps might help you in getting allies to support your cause: Identify Potential Allies:...

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Creating Unique Designs for Print-on-Demand Companies: How to Use Images Without Copyright Issues

How to Use Images Without Copyright Issues for Print-On-Demand Companies If you're a print-on-demand (POD) seller, you know that images are essential for creating unique designs that appeal to your customers. However, using copyrighted images without permission can result in legal trouble and damage your reputation. In this article, we'll show you how to use images without copyright issues for your POD business. Use Public Domain Images Public domain images are those that are not protected by copyright, either because they've expired or the creator has released them into the public domain. You can find public domain images on various websites such as Pixabay, Unsplash, and Pexels. When using public domain images, make sure to check the usage rights. Some...

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three pillars of happiness: mastery, purpose, and autonomy and what people think of them

Have you ever wondered what makes you truly happy? Is it having a sense of mastery over your work? Is it feeling like your work has a greater purpose? Or maybe it's having the freedom to make your own choices and decisions? People say there are three pillars of happiness: mastery, purpose, and autonomy. Let's break them down one by one. Mastery: Mastery is the feeling of getting better at something. It involves setting a goal and working towards it, slowly improving over time. Mastery can bring a sense of pride and accomplishment, which in turn can boost happiness. For example, think of a famous photographer who has spent years perfecting their craft. Each time they take a photo, they're...

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